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Metric Wipers
Metric Wipers are the same as Rod wipers just are available in metric sizes.Some styles are are capable in surviving hostile environments.
Style MCN
Incorporates an external metal case with an 80 Durometer Nitrile lip. Designed for press-in fitting in open housings.
Style MCU
Utilizing a sturdy metal case, these wipers are molded from the same high performance urethane used in our Heavy Duty U-seals. Built for severe service, these wipers are capable of surviving hostile environments.
Style MSWE
One piece snap-in wiper for heavy duty applications. Metric equivalent to the ST Style (inch dimensions).
Style MSWN
This medium duty wiper is molded in nitrile rubber.
Style MCW
Incorporates a metal insert for reinforcement. Capable of bridging a large tolerance and cannot seize due to rust.
Style MCWE
This wiper is molded from high grade urethane and bonded to a carbon steel case in a single lip design. Urethane Lip.
Style MSWS
Similar to the ST Style but has a step profile that provides an excellent interference fit in its groove and provides the wiper lip additional support.
Style SG
Each Seal Guard Wiper consists of two flexible bronze rings which are held in place by a nitrile cushion ring. The cushion ring absorbs side loads and energizes the wiper to maintain close contact with the rod.
Style MCHD
Metal Clad Metric Wiper. Metal Casing.
Utilizing a double lip of urethane bonded to a carbon steel case, this wiper prevents contaminant ingression at the wiping lip and around the outer case.
Style MSWP
This wiper features a lip on top of the shoulder which makes contact with the throat of the groove. This serves to prevent contaminants from entering the groove.
Style MSWH
Molded in urethane, this wiper features a double lip which prevents fluid that seeps by the rod seal from exiting the cylinder.
Style MCWI
This wiper is a single lip design molded from high grade urethane and bonded to a carbon steel case.

Style MDS Metric Pin Wipers
Molded in nitrile with steel case, this seal is double cased and used to exclude contaminants from cylinder link pins.

Style MCWA Metric Pin Wipers
This seal is single cased with a urethane lip and used to exclude contaminants from cylinder link pins.