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The Benefits of X-Ray and Metal Detectable Seals

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The Benefits of X-Ray and Metal Detectable Seals

X-Ray Dectable Seal Logo

Sanitary gaskets and o-rings are integral parts used across numerous industries. They help to create tight connections, and to seal off systems to ensure that nothing goes in or out. This helps to prevent leakage, but also helps to keep a sanitary environment by keeping outside elements out of the system. However, sometimes these gaskets fray and break, entering into the pipelines themselves. This can contaminate a product, which can be costly.

X-Ray and Metal Detectable Seals

At Daemar, our solution for this is seals that are made of materials that are detectable by x-ray, metal detectors, or both. This includes making o-rings out of Metal Detectable Seal Logoelastomeric compounds such as Buna, EPDM, FKM, Tuf-Steel, and Silicone. The products are perfect for use in applications where even the slightest contamination can ruin a process or a large batch of product. The industries that can best make use of this include food and beverage, dairy, biotech, and pharmaceutical, along with any industry where a sanitary process is needed during the course of manufacturing.

Benefits of Detectable Seals

There are numerous benefits to using X-ray and metal detectable seals in your pipe lines. These include:

  • Easy to detect lost elastomeric fragments through the use of an in-line metal detector. This can trigger an alarm to instantly alert quality control to the problem.
  • Prevention of product loss through contamination.
  • Avoiding costly product recalls.
  • Stopping the distribution of contaminated product, so that any possible contaminations will never reach the consumer.
  • Seals are standard sizing, for use in OEM equipment.
  • Designed to withstand high temperatures, and function in heavy-duty mechanical as well as microbial applications.
  • Material is available for use in products including screens, sheets, vale stems, filler boots, hygienic seals, and more.

Our seals can help ensure the safety and integrity of your products, and allow you to work with confidence. Get in touch with a representative here at Daemar to find out how we can help you integrate these money-saving seals into your process.











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