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Dryslide Bushings
The Dryslide Bushings trademark identifies a whole range of self-lubricated dry sliding bushings and bearings. TH Series bushings have a composite structure consisting of a carbon steel backing, an intermediate layer of sintered bronze and a PTFE based sliding lining. The THX Series bushings have a composite structure consisting of a carbon steel backing onto which a porous layer of bronze is sintered and then impregnated with a co-acetal plastic.

TH Bushings
TH Series bushings have a composite structure consisting of a carbon steel backing, an intermediate layer of sintered bronze and a PTFE based sliding lining. Available in inch and metric sizes.

THX Bushings
The THX Series bushings have a composite structure consisting of a carbon steel backing onto which a porous layer of bronze is sintered and then impregnated with a co-acetal plastic. The polymeric surface has indentations in which the lubricating grease lies and protects the mating surface. Available in inch sizes.

FTH Bushings
FTH Series bushing is a flanged style dryslide bushing. The FTH is a composite structure consisting of a carbon steel backing, an intermediate layer of sintered bronze and a PTFE based sliding lining. Available in inch and metric sizes.

TS Flat Strips
TS Flat strips series has a composite structure consisting of a carbon steel backing, an intermediate layer of sintered bronze and a PTFE based sliding lining. Available in inch and metric sizes.

TW Flat Washers
TW Series has a composite structure consisting of a carbon steel backing, an intermediate layer of sintered bronze and a PTFE based sliding lining. Available in inch and metric sizes.