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O-Ring Kits
Daemar’s o-ring kits offer convenience and easy use, making them the ideal solution for maintenance applications. These kits are effective tools in reducing costs for maintenance and assembly staff by eliminating the guess-work in part selection and saving time in part sorting.
DMR™ Inch O-Ring Kits (ORK-2)
30 sizes and 382 rings. Sizes ranging from 006 (1/8″ ID, 1/16″ width) up to 327 (1-3/4″ ID, 3/16″ width). Buna ‘N’ material.
DMR™ Viton Inch O-Ring Kit (ORK-1-V)
30 sizes and 382 rings. Sizes ranging from 006 (1/8″ ID, 1/16″ width) up to 327 (1-3/4″ ID, 3/16″ width). Viton material.
DMR™ Metric O-Ring Kit (MORK-1)
32 sizes and 401 rings. Sizes ranging from 3mm ID and 1mm width up to 35mm ID 5mm width. Buna ‘N’ material.
DMR™ Boss O-Ring Kit
20 sizes and 212 rings. Sizes ranging from the Boss 901 up to the 932. Buna ‘N’ material.
DMR™ Quad-Ring Kits
36 sizes and 226 rings. Sizes ranging from 006 (1/8″ ID, 1/16″ width) up to 327 (1-3/4″ ID, 3/16″ width). Buna ‘N’ material.
DMR™ Inch Splicing Kit (SPL-KT-BUNA)
Make your own custom o-ring for applications where a standard size o-ring won’t fit. The kit contains a cutting blade, adhesive, and a splicing and cutting tool. 1 metre each of 0.070″, 0.103″, 0.139″, 0.210″ and 0.275″. Buna ‘N’ material.
DMR™ Metric Splicing Kit (SPL-KT-MET)
Make your own custom metric o-ring for applications where a standard size o-ring won’t fit. The kit contains a cutting blade, adhesive, and a splicing and cutting tool. 1 metre each of 1.6mm, 2.0mm, 2.4mm, 3.0mm, 3.5mm, 4.0mm, 5.0mm, 5.7mm, and 8.4mm. Buna ‘N’ material.